Replace welfare with a subsidized jobs program for non profits, schools and micro business

Replace the current welfare/TANF system with a subsidized jobs program for nonprofits, school, and micro businesses.

The overhead cost to have a welfare program is very expensive. When I was a welfare worker 75% of those coming onto welfare needed a hand up and we’re off of welfare within 3 to 4 months

I recommend eliminating the welfare department.

If you create a grant for small businesses, nonprofits, and schools that could Offer to cover the cost by subsidizing employees . These businesses could hire “former welfare people” and give them actual jobs.

Small businesses, nonprofits and schools could use subsidize labor.

The former welfare people need jobs to develop their vocational skills.

By eliminating the the federal, state and county welfare departments, welfare buildings and welfare workers - the overall costs would be less.

Take the current budget for the federal state and county welfare program, and that would be equal to the amount of grants that could be given to the small businesses the nonprofits in the schools.

If the average welfare recipient is only on aid for 3 to 4 months, then this subsidized jobs program would be for three months.

Great employees will be kept on by those companies.

Those that are not employed after 3 months will be laid off. They can then be moved into unemployment and existing workforce development / WIOA programs. this can include trade school options to increase skills.

The state of Nevada has a two week program called “working In Nevada” (WIN Workshop) that welfare people go through to learn self discovery, life skills and vocational skills. It is like a boot camp. That is an amazing program.

It they do nit become employed before their unemployment runs out they can be reentered into the subsidized jobs program again.


I agree. What if there were an option similar for the homeless? That would be more of a double whammy for someone in that state of need.
I could imagine that it could look like an individual having a private room in a sober shared living space for single adults. This could be in a government owned apartment building where they pay rent, receive counseling and take classes on basic things. Their short term jobs program would allow the individuals to work, pay rent, build some basic skills where needed, improve their self esteem, and become part of a community.
Once someone has graduated from the need to utilize the apartment, has finished job training, the resources will still be there.
I like the idea of people gaining a purpose.

100% agree! I hope we can share this to get the vote up and maybe it can be implemented. Good luck!

We have very similar ideas so ill add my policy i posted a while back here tok

The welfare system needs to be abolished completely.

State assistance should only be available to physically and mentally disabled U.S. citizens. The list of qualifying disabilities should be implemented by each state, and that list should shrink drastically. I agree with a work program for term-limited assistance of no more than one year in your lifetime. Cash assistance should absolutely never be provided. That is the worst program ever.

The excessive and costly handouts need to stop :raised_hand: immediately. Welfare was designed poorly!

Elderly disabled individuals should qualify for medical, food and housing assistance. Veterans should qualify for the same.


Fascinating post! I’d like to hear more.