I propose to create, in every State, an Office of the People’s Governance which will take over the representative and decision making role of what is now the defunct, corrupt, and monstrously large entities we call the State Governments. We will shrink the State government to only those logistically necessary professionals to serve, within their own expertise, the People and rename it to something like: The State Logistics Office.
The current ‘State Government’ will be used in unison with the Office of the People’s Governance ONLY in the capacity of ACTION, to keep running logistics, per the wishes of the People’s Office, in projects such as transportation departments, communication entities, state or territory militias, running energy grids, emergency services ALL in the capacity ONLY as professionals and specialists in the fields required to enact these programs. There will no longer be a Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, a Senate, A Legislature, or a Judicial branch of such entity. ALL GONE. Instead, and in order to keep the decision making close to the People, organized within and between their own communities, the ‘State Government’, renamed the State Logistics Office, will HAVE NO POWER TO MAKE DECISIONS OR ENGAGE CONTROL of any citizen at any time. This office will only make decisions regarding the fields of expertise and logistics to run those fields in communion with the wishes of the People within their representative communities within that State area until and as such time we no longer have States.
Every person can elect to become involved within a community. Every community can elect to become involved with The State Office of the People’s Governance as is fitting to work between a region or locale in order to produce some kind of outcome which involves that community. Each community will designate a Scribe, or delegate, to participate. Much like the territories of the Founding Fathers.
I expect a decreased Federal Government as well. More detail to come.