Repeal Unnecessary Federal Education Laws

Repeal the following education laws. There may be some aspects of these laws that can be preserved, but that can be rectified with a separate one-page bill. Education is getting worse, and not better. We need to stop holding back kids and enable local school districts to what is best for their students. We do not need a one size fits all approach for education.


FERPA protects students privacy. Do not touch that. Example, this keeps schools from posting grades for everyone to see. Plus keeps school records private.

IDEA is much needed. This protects special education services. Individualized education for students that have disabilities. Do not touch that. Maybe decrease the unneeded paperwork. An IEP used to be 5 pages at most. Now an IEP can be over 30 pages.

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School grades don’t need to be private. School records do not need to be private.
Disabled children do not belong in the same classes as normal students. They need to placed back in special education and not integrated. Integration causes distractions and safety issues for normal kids.