Repeal the Johnson Amendment

The Johnson Amendment was passed in 1954. It forbids non-profits, specifically churches from supporting or opposing candidates for office. This infringes on the rights of pastors to free speech and had played a role in removing faith from the national dialogue. Repealing the Johnson Amendment would allow pastors to highlight which candidates share their values in order to help their congregations make informed decisions. Additionally, this law is not applied equally. It is common knowledge that many churches in the inner-city campaign on behalf of democrat candidates. However, evangelical churches, with overwhelmingly conservative congregations, remain gagged and effectively neutered.


People don’t understand the significants and detriment of the Johnson Amendment. When you can’t talk politics, you can’t teach reasoning or debate the issues or assess the candidates. This blinding of the church has led to a detention type mentality and made Christians stupider and detached from a foundational and first commandment from God. We’re suppose to steward and manage the earth.