Repeal the FACE Act, Release Activists from Prison

The FACE Act (Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances) originally was designed to protect individuals entering in clinics, pregnancy resource centers and churches from harassment. It has since been weaponized against the faith community as they are offering pregnant women pre-abortive counseling and post-abortive emotional support often not available at abortion facilities, healthy alternatives and resources to avoid abortion. At this very moment, wife and mother Bevelyn Beatty Williams is serving time in a federal prison in Alabama for up to 3.5yrs for “unlawful assembly”. The judge assigned to her case stated that she would make “an example out of her” as a resulting 150 women did not show up for their appointments due to Bevelyns efforts.

Bevelyn is one of many Americans who, being motivated by their faith and hope for every baby born in America are willing to lay down their lives to see another mother and child live.

89 year old Eva Edl, concentration camp survivor was imprisoned for violating the FACE Act 3 months ago. Edl participated in a non-violent peaceful protest and the Biden-Harris administration want to give her the maximum penalty of 3 years in prison.

We should release all who are in prison or facing imprisonment and repeal the FACE Act. Further, the funds allocated for administrative and enforcement costs of the FACE Act should be allocated to those church organizations and individuals who have incurred legal costs, lost wages, and restore any and all financial losses to their families as the result of their imprisonment.

**Photos Courtesy of Live Action

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