Repeal Public Health Emergency Laws

Hey, I just voted for this proposed piece of legislation.


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I agree with this. Please address these laws and repeal them.

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Check this out:


Maybe this is also helpful: Tools for illuminating, defying and dismantling kill box laws: collection.

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I agree with this.

These laws, over time, have enslaved the American people to the DOD and HHS without a recourse of any kind. Katherine and Sasha, youā€™ve won my support. May they call upon you to help sort this out and bring freedom to all of us. God, may your favor rest upon this work.


Excellent submission! It is the most important policy repeal in the history of the country.

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Should have included a short plain English synopsis of those chapters and laws. Many would find it hard to look up. Just close the HHS and all laws pertaining to it by repealing those acts which give authority to overide the President and what he thinks best.

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Please enact this policy. PHEIC laws are ONLY used to justify government overreach and move into tyranny.

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ā€˜Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.ā€™

We all saw this first-hand. They kicked aside the Constitution and went full-dictator, with full support of ~33% of the population. It was political. We know it. They know it. They know we know it. But they did it anyway.

Never again.


This is the only way that we can break free from the horrible system that we currently have, where the American people are at the mercy of and are being harmed and used by gigantic corporations and several entities with huge financial/power interests. Such a tangled web has been created over the years of corrupt and unconstitutional laws. Repeal them all!

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Thatā€™s a list of the myriad laws (enacted over last 50 years or so) which have created the ā€œkill boxā€ we are currently inhabiting. If you donā€™t trust her work, and you need to ā€œreinvent the wheelā€, YOU ARE IN LUCK, because sheā€™s given you the list of pertinent laws. Maybe you can even find some that she missed (but I doubt it).

yes, I can see itā€™s a list. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
and NO Iā€™m not going to try to reinvent any wheels. :laughing:
As to if I trust her? I donā€™t know her. I have no basis to either trust her, or not trust her, so going with my defaultā€¦ interested, but skeptical until I have reason to be otherwise. :wink:

The general bottom line might be that the list is what you need for this.

My personal bottom line is that I canā€™t vote for things I donā€™t understand.
Many lawmakers seem to be able to do that (vote without reading or understanding) and thatā€™s part of how we got to the problem weā€™re in.

I think context would help. Something like prefacing each segment with "these laws/sections regulate infant formula, and should be removed becauseā€¦ "

No, Iā€™m not going to go research and add that, just a wee bit too busy for that particular task. Many fronts to the many battles we have coming. Worthy as this battle is, Iā€™m not the researcher for this one.
The ones Iā€™m the researcher for, well, those Iā€™ll contribute to the context and rationale. What Iā€™m asking for here is the same.

I support Sashaā€™s recommendation. Please repeal.

And thereā€™s nothing more important !!!
Please repeal !!!

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