I have worked in healthcare as a Nurse in ICU, have been a patient, and see the failures of the healthcare system. Everything about obamacare has made health a thing of the past. It created new revenue streams to pharma and various suppliers out of China. We are forced to have insurance for artificially inflated med care, labs, meds, etc. Return the power to private practice without need to have insurance. Prices will become reasonable again.
There wont be algorithms to follow when you need an MRI that forces you to grt an xray, then see a specialist, then wait 4 months for the MRI.
Vaccines wont be able to be pushed through without strict testing.
This is just the beginning of what needs to be done to overhaul a broken system.
200% yes. In the supply chain of patient to health care provider, the HMOs are absorbing far too much of the value transfer. That’s inevitable with a captive market. Create a law that people MUST buy your product and there’s no competitive incentive to provide a product people actually want. You can charge any excessive price you desire, can bloat the system with waste and bureaucracy etc.
The hybrid system we have now is the worst possible version. Yes, the poor need access to healthcare too. Much as I hate to say it, I’ve come around to supporting socialized medicine. There should be clinics and hospitals like in Europe which provide basic care for those who can’t afford anything else. This will naturally lead to distribution of goods via rationing instead of pricing. This should be the most basic of care; trauma, antibiotics when needed, etc. No elective treatments like castrations (“gender transition”) etc.
There should be a parallel and completely private, direct pay system as well, for those who can afford it and are willing to pay for access to better healthcare than the basic public system provides.
Medical malpractice reform will also help lower costs. Put tort caps on malpractice lawsuits, and that will lower the insurance costs that doctors and hospitals have to carry.