Repeal Obama era forced zoning policies

HUD’s new rule in 2015, “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing,” requires municipalities “to perform an assessment of land use decisions and zoning to evaluate their possible impact on fair housing choice,” it said. “This assessment must be consistent with fair housing and civil rights requirements .”

“An example of disproportionate housing needs would be found when a significantly higher proportion of the jurisdiction’s black residents experience a severe cost burden when compared to the proportion of the jurisdiction’s white residents experiencing a severe cost burden,” HUD notes.

In a companion “Fair Housing Assessment Tool,” HUD counts “land use and zoning laws, such as minimum lot sizes, limits on multi-unit properties, height limits, or bedroom-number limits as well as requirements for special use permits (and) occupancy restrictions” among “factors contributing to segregated housing patterns.”

This is an illegal affirmative action policy that disrupts rural communities, and forcefully changes the character of existing localities. In arguments for it’s imposition, it specifically intended to change White communities. The result for these areas is increased crime, a destabilization and degradation of local cultures,