Remove vaccination requirements for public education and higher education that receives federal funding

It was a bit of a surprise to realize that public education has mandatory vaccination requirements when there have been no true placebo controlled trials.

As such, the practice of mandatory vaccination requirements pressures individuals with undue coercion in order to receive a benefit for which they have been taxed.

Furthermore, in higher education, mandatory COVID vaccination requirements also represent a form of undue coercion of students. This policy suggests the removal of such practices either permanently, or until at a minimum, long term true placebo controlled trials have been completed.

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Much more fundamental: OUTLAW ALL MANDATORY MEDICAL TREATMENT ACROSS THE BOARD. Adults included. And forced mask wearing. We need to outlaw all the vaccines as well. They do not protect; they only harm. Almost all diseases for which vaccines were developed had practically disappeared before the vaccine came out, or at least they were no longer lethal. Mandatory medical treatment violates the Nuremberg Code. It is Naziism.