Preventing elected officials from owning any stocks and preventing any sort of betting/protifiting as well.
There are many companies that benefit from these types of things like BlackRock. This gives companies far too much control over our policies and government in general.
Elected officials owning any sort of stock should not be allowed and should be illegal, if not already. It would be nice to hold elected officials accountable for this by making sure they receive jail time. Money should not be involved in politics like this because it is very much a conflict of interest.
There also should be some kind of oversight method that would prevent congress from giving stock tips to their friends, relatives and employees!
No. Let them own stocks. What needs to change is what they can own and their knowing of ownership. I used to work as a high school teacher and it was state law that a percentage of my paycheck went into a retirement fund. Police and firefighters had to partake too. I thought this was rather silly, but, for politicians I think it’s a good idea. Setup some kind of Fund that would net them a decent return, but wouldn’t be a handful of major companies. I’m not sure of the details of what this ‘Fund’ would contain. 100 publicly traded companies between the 4,000th and 101st market cap companies? ETF? Bonds? I’m not sure. I do know it has to be done in a way where the politicians do not know what they’re invested in and make sure it’s required that a percentage of their paycheck goes into that Fund.