Remove Seed Oils From All Food

Reevaluation of whether to allow these to be used based on 3rd party and independent studies, and also a reevaluation to the marketing of such products as a healthy food. There are many foods on the market that contain these harmful oils yet they are marketed as healthy, which in turn many believe and buy and suffer the consequences. This can be somewhat alleviated by providing better education on what seed oils are, what effects they can have on the human body (for example: benefits/risks when eaten raw or heated, smoke point benefits/risks), and whether they are truely healthy or not. But it needs to be taken further…

Similar to dyes, natural flavors, MSG, and a million other additives that can be harmful and deadly to our bodies… the Government needs to be public servants to the people and put this as a top priority… rather than filling the pockets of big pharma and food monopolies with kickbacks and funding. Perform better research (third party / independent only), then educate the people based on the findings, begin a revamp on what is allowed to be sold/imported for sale, and shift to a better way of living for everone.

This topic also is discussing much of the same but in terms of food dye: