Remove Monosodium Glutamate from our food

Monsodium Glutamate is a food flavor enhancer. My husband gets horrible heart palpitations and headaches with this in it. 23 years ago the big fuss was the chinese restaurants having it in their food. Now its everywhere


Not only health issues, but it somehow makes people eat more than they need, leading to obesity. Rats, injected with MSG when young, ate themselves to obesity. untreated rats ate only what they needed.

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I didn’t know that. Its amazing how our own government, wants us sick.


They should take out all the crap from the food.


I agree. I never paid attention until a few years ago. I now call it “poop food”. Thats all it is. There is very little nutritional value. Everything is loaded with sugar and chemicals.

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Our “government” rules over us, and does what it can to disable us, so as not to upset the paradigm. Trump’s regime is focused on restoring a right relationship between the government and us, their masters.

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