Religious Freedom has been under attack for many years in this country. While I am not one
Capable of writing up a comprehensive bill, I would love to vote for one on this topic. Peope should not be forced to take vaccines or identify pronouns in order to keep thier jobs. Can we not refuse putting something in our body? Can we not call a person simply by their selected name? These are just two obvious issues, but we need our religious freedom protected as it was intended. Churches shouldnt be forced to close during a pandemic. It is a choice and a right to worship.
Any elected officials that attempt to restrict our relgious freedom should face immediate consequences up to and including removal from office.
This is from the ACLU website: " Section 501(c)(3) of our nation’s tax code gives tax-exempt status to a church as long as it “does not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing for statements), any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office.”
The Johnson Amendment should be removed so that there is no free speech restrictions on religious organizations.
As far as ‘medical freedom’ goes, We already have the Right to Refuse granted as an outcome of the Nuremberg Trials. Oh, we tried so hard to help people resist but so so many were ruled but fear more than discernment.
Exactly! The law is meaningless if people don’t stand up for it!
I’ve had a string of surprisingly new & great conversations about everything in the past 2 weeks . More of this please
The Christian is fully entrenched against the organizational malfaesance of this world. To divorce men from their religious rights and freedoms, of speech and expression is at the very heart of the issue. The malfaesance of our day is specifically designed against the Restrainer that exists within you and me. If it is silenced, wickedness and the spirit of the antichrist will reign! Churches should feel emboldened to endorse the candidate they feel represents the disposition of the church without the fear of persecution and censorship. I concur with your sentiment that the amendment for which you speak should be removed. The needs of the wheat to flourish for our nation’s barn outweighs the needs of the weeds and chaff of this world that are set for burning!