Reinstate the Smith-Mundt Act

Reinstate the Smith-Mundt act that Obama cancelled via executive order. The American people have been subject to constant propaganda via mainstream news sources. The democrat party has weaponized the media to gain and retain power. Americans deserve to know the truth about what is happening in the federal government and local governments. Politicians should not be able to use their influence to choose what the news headlines share with the public. The American people deserve the truth.

If the Smith-Mundt Act was reinstated during Covid, the outcomes would have been completely different. People were lied to about the safety of vaccines and were irreparably harmed. They lie about health, wars and weather on the news because there is no longer anything reining them in.

Violations of the Smith-Mundt Act should be punishable by prison time. The American people deserve the truth from their new media sources. We the people are sick of being lied to. This would be also help undo all of the brainwashing that has occurred over the last 16 years. This would bring unity to America by stopping the lies from people who are determined to divide us as a Nation.


YES!!! This is what I came here for!!!


This should be TOP priority. Otherwise the media, the intelligence agencies and their benefactors will continue to cause the division we see now.