Regulate energy and foreign investors

Make Energy regulated again

Nuclear energy plants should be guaranteed from the government a set price for the cost of power.

Nuclear plants are a staple in providing jobs for thousands of Americans.

Nuclear plants bring local money to the surrounding businesses.

With the regulation of energy we also need to remove outside investors who only care about quarterly profits and only allow the in house and contract workers who work at the power plants to invest in their companies stock.

With these changes the Nuclear power plants will extend maintenance outages and restore to their fullest the flag ships that are the heartbeat of our electric grid.

No way, price ceilings a nd floors always cause a shortage. The capitalist method corrects pricing faster because consumers speak where the CEO’s can listen and adjustments happen fast. The wheels of government turn way to slowly and can not respond rapidly to the needs of the people in a timely fashion. However nuclear plants I’m open to with full disclosure of who is chosed to build it. That is the scary part.