Regrowing our natural environment

There is no environmental category I apologize in advance .
I propose that for every construction and maritime operations. The company must replace/ contribute to the reconstruction to the habitat that was destroyed. No more shall we build and grow without any second thought to the life around us. We constantly obliterate trees brush and other greenery and underground habitats which displace and disrupt the natural process. As we move forward it is essential to maintain our connection to the natural world. We are far too removed. The repair can come in a form of direct replacement of either the quantity of the greenery that was torn down or through non-profit / non partisan organizations dedicated to rebuilding/ revitalizing our natural ecosystems.
This of course should be heavily monitored to make sure the funds are used effectively.


Very well said and couldn’t agree more. It’s so sad to see acres of trees being bulldozed over and wildlife being killed and losing their habitat to make room for yet another cookie cutter subdivision with no room for trees. It has to stop