As the tag suggests, I feel that in order to lower abortions/STDs/teenage pregnancy numbers and to better assist our youth we should renew the focus on sex education in positive ways. Have kids take care of real babies for a few hours, double down on safe sex etc. The solution to these problems can be found in education.
I feel like more can be said about this topic.
We need certified sex educators to teach these young teens about sex, safe sex, and what is actually going on within our bodies. How are the hormonal chemicals affecting our bodies and brains, how to avoid pregnancy without the need for abortion, and how to practice safe sex.
It felt awkward receiving my sex education from my male PE teacher, who had no real interest in teaching that class. Teachers get suckered into teaching that topic and it’s very obvious that most don’t want to do that.
Having educators of both genders could give more comfortability to these students while they go through these awkward phases of growing up. Better education is provided when teachers are truly invested in the topic they are teaching.
I agree completely. Even as a man getting that information from my PE teacher was verh weird.
I know education is important so sex education is a part of growing up, but even with education kids are having sex earlier n younger. A lot of kids are inquisitive after discussions arise. While some may feel excited about the topics a lot would be more inclined to participate. I noticed among my friends after it was discussed is when others wanted to engage in sexual activities. I’m not sure sex education is the right answer to conquer STD’s unplanned pregnancies. Just like drugs the minute it’s discussed is when the defiance and curiosity overshadow the intent. Some kids don’t listen to the scare tactics bc their frontal lobe and executive function isn’t working properly, Some children run off the ideology that it won’t happen to them or are they need proof,… by then it’s too late they’re addicted or their actions are already impacted their lives. Basic sex Ed n drugs are ok.
Growing up I had a teacher that told us s story about her mom that wound up getting cancer from smoking and had a tracheotomy. It scared the crap out of me I never smoked. I was the only one that was intimidated by the consequence. You either are inspired, by s story or forget about it. I’m not sure what the right answer is, but kids are defiant for the most part.