Eliminate the pension (let them rely solely on SS or the private market like the rest of the American population for their retirement benefits)
Health care coverage to be obtained from the free market (let them use Obamacare) and eliminate the health care benefits for life upon retirement;
Abolish death gratuity payments;
Abolish the dedicated settlement fund used to pay for workplace disputes, e.g., sexual harassment, etc., and hiding the cases from the public;
Ban international travel paid for with tax dollars. There are limited positions that should require travel to other countries, e.g., the VP, President, Secretary of State. Not all members of Congress need to be flying to places like Ukraine and we foot the bill;
Ban trading stocks throughout their term in office; and
I was going to post about the hush money/ harassment benefit. I mean are you kidding me? No taxpayer funds should ever be used for anything like this. They must also be on same healthcare as the rest of the country. The whole vacation thing is out of control as well as the travel perks. It’s ridiculous.
Take my upvote. Elected office needs to feel like more of a “service to the country” and less like a lifetime career. Legislators should not be incentivized to stay in DC for decades.
Serve your term and go back to your day to day job and community.
Need to remove all exsisting benefits, like the multiple pensions some have. They have to retire on SS just like the rest us and pay for regular insurance like the rest of us do.
Benefits need to be drastically cut for the staff as well.
Increase in number of days required to work and the hours of that work. Lunch, dinners and parties dont count. Pay should be associated with days worked.
And congress can no longer vote themselves a raise.
And we need a way to make sure they are not milking the system to get rich. Current system definitely not working