Reduce US postal delivery days to 4 days a week to reduce Government waste. Do we really need mail delivery 6 days a week in the modern world? Today most people pay bills online or with auto pay and communicate via e mail. Yet we spend more than ever to keep the US postal service solvent. The vast majority of mail today is junk mail and ends up in the trash or recycle bin unopened. Eliminate all bulk mail discounts to advertisers to reduce junk mail. Transition to all electric vehicles for delivery.
Honestly, do we even need the Post Office? The private mailing and shipping firms could easily absorb the tasks the Post Office performs. We should get rid of it altogether.
This is the best part of the proposal. If we do this part, the others should follow as the quantity of mail would go down. The post office could work 6 days a week, but do alternating routes every other day, so 3 receiving days per house per week. But battery powered cars probably don’t need to replace the old jeeps we have, that would be pouring money into the post office we don’t have.
I had the same idea but would change residential mail to 2 days a week. Half the households would get mail Monday/Thursday the other half Tuesday/Friday. Businesses could pay a fee to get mail 6 days a week.
I was going to recommend reducing delivery to three days per week, but I like the two-day idea better!