Reduce Military Reliance on Technology and Money, and reform recruitment tactics

The United States Military has requested $849,800,000,000 for the year 2025. According to The Peter G. Peterson Foundation, The United States Spends More on Defense than the Next 9 Countries Combined.

When President Trump ordered a strike on Syria in response to the government using chemical weapons on its’ citizens, the 85 missiles launched cost The United States $119,000,000.

When President Biden ordered four fighter jets to shoot down a Chinese balloon in American airspace, the missile cost $400,000, and the jets involved cost a total of $653,000,000. That’s just four jets. Every U.S. Fighter Jet is purchased for millions of dollars.

This is too expensive. If The United States is ever forced into a serious, extended conflict, the expenses will be unsustainable.

Therefore The United States should invest in a cheaper, more sustainable military force.

Secondly, The United States Military should rely less on technology. An EMP, or Electro-Magnetic Pulse, can disable all electronics. A nuclear explosion can produce an EMP blast. With a highly advanced military, the effects of an EMP could be devastating.

Beyond EMPs, electronic warfare such as hacking and jamming pose a higher threat with an advanced military.

While a highly advanced force is good, The United States should ensure that The Military is prepared to operate without the best weapons in the world.

Finally, The US Military should reconsider recruitment tactics. Recruitment should not be centered around diversity, and wokeism, nor should recruitment focus on benefits such as free college. Soldiers should enlist with the sole purpose of defending The United States. Therefore, recruitment should focus on patriotism, American values, and defense.

Cutting advanced technology to save money could make the U.S. less safe against modern threats. Instead of getting rid of tech, we should invest in systems that can handle things like EMPs and cyberattacks.

Limiting recruitment to just patriotism won’t bring in as many skilled people, we need to keep offering things like education benefits too.

A better plan would be to focus on spending wisely while still keeping our military strong and prepared.

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