Rail, Land, & Air Infrastructure Bill

PRIORITY #1: Highway Expansion (All interstates in the US would be expanded to at least 3 lanes with a designated Truck lane)

PRIORITY #2: Airport modernization and expansion

Priority #3: Nationwide civilian rail transportation with sleeping rooms, restaurants, and entertainment

This would be 5 trillion, with a deadline of 5 years to completion. The full resources of the federal government would be engaged in the execution and completion of this project.

Agree! But I would make it at least 4 lanes with trucks limited to 2 lanes.

Revive the old waterway transport systems, when boats carried goods and people from port to port on our rivers. Especially the Missouri and the Colorado. Each small town had a part to play in the exchange of goods and services.

Let’s look at traditional industries and transportation along the waterways to revive local commerce.

If all the wants in all these proposals were to be added up it probably would exceed tens if not hundreds of trillions of dollars. Right now with all the federal spending going on, we are essentially broke as a country, relying on printing money out of thin air then complaining about inflation. As far as I know, Amtrak is the only RR associated with the government. If the public really wanted Priority #3, any number of companies would be getting in line to do this.