Quantifying / qualifyjng Blood Panels

Listening to RFKjr I got curious about the drawbacks of “seed oils.” I’ve heard rhetoric about canola oil being toxic, so that kind of threw me off. But now I’m understanding as far as the imbalance of omega 6’s and omega 3’s. With the omega 6’s cancelling out the 3’s. Plus, with forever plastics occupying spaces where omega 3’s should go, we’re really short changing ourselves.

My proposal is that we find a metric for inflammation resulting from omega 6’s (and other inflammatories).

I think the blood panel needs to be modernized to include fatty acids, amino acids, and lingering toxins.

With that I’d like for patients to be asked to voluntarily share their data with a central database and be graphed with other environmental variables such as altitude, water pH / purity), air quality, and population density.