Protect White Collar Jobs From Chinese Takeover - End Sold By China on Amazon, Temu, Shein

We also have National Security they make a massive chunk of our pharmaceuticals in whole or part. If they decided they wanted to go to war with us they never have to step foot on American soil, they could simply stop sending antibiotics and you know the competence that we see from DC it would take them two years to get another supplier going or longer. Antibiotics aren’t just for ear infections they actually save lives. Blood pressure medication heart medication, wound care we are two outsourced and this one is a matter of National Security I actually have a policy up on it somewhere in here

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I agree with this 100%. Especially our pharmaceuticals

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Their ability to take out at least a third of the American population without ever putting boots on the ground or sending a single shot from a firearm is amazing. They produce most of our pharmaceutical drugs. Antibiotics save lives they’re not just for ear infections, blood pressure medicine heart medicine epipens China makes that they also make all your dressings and your bandages. They make most the medical equipment from syringes to tubing. It’s time we remove China from our shores and our production.
If it can be made in the United States it should be made in the United States no Chinese competition.

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Covid really exposed the risk in our over-reliance on China… There are many things that need to be done to address it. This is just one necessary step

Please don’t forget to vote!

Thank you for your informative contribution!
Trump has proposed tariffs to address unfair trade practices. Is your concern that his team may not be aware of the the sales channel attack from China or is your concern about the use of the Tariff as a tool to protect our economy?

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Wow tried to respond on my phone and somehow half my response was lost.


Hi thank you for engaging on this! The concern is that there is a lack of awareness to the American job displacement that is happening as a result of the online sales channel. American E-commerce brands and stores are being directly threatened but it also extends broadly to continued losses in market share for the entire retail sector.

To your point, tariffs will do nothing to address this job loss as they do not correct the primary issue here which is the direct consumer access.

For single parcel shipments which circumvent all duties due to the de minimis rule, tariffs will have the unintended consequence of actually strengthening the value proposition of those items shipped directly from China through channels like Temu and SHEIN without tariffs.

My hope is to bring awareness to this issue in the hopes that someone in the administration might take notice. It’s a novel mechanism for extracting wealth out of the US economy and stealing American jobs enabled by the internet and online shopping.

Hi EDA, Thanks for your reply! I’ll vote for your proposal…Transparency is critical!
I Just started on P4P a few days ago…So far my proposal has barely been noticed! If you could comment on it I would greatly appreciate it! I’m skeptical about the "vote and rise to the top " scheme. It seems like P4P is too large and too active for this to work…I have other ideas that may work better, Regards, Randy

I saw the entire US telecommunications industry sold to the Chinese by design and neglect of our globalist US govt. I then watched and experience the wholesale replacement of the US telecommunications workforce by “immigrant” labor either via contractors, or H1Bs. So it’s too late for me and I am impoverished by that. However, I have the wisdom to see this happening again. USA invents and everyone else gets to steal and Americans suffer. Americans do not understand that theft or ideas and industry is business as usual in Asia and we are seen as gullible and dumb. I have stories.

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Unfortunately there’s a general lack of empathy and support for our fellow Americans… The answer from so many when blue collar workers lost their manufacturing jobs was “good my stuff will be cheaper”… no one stops to think about the cost to the broader economy or their fellow American…

It’s all jokes until your job or business is on the chopping block

I appreciate your vote!

Any idea how many votes a proposal needs to get visibility how do we get this to the Trump admin?

slap some tariffs on to compensate for differences in salaries, and else let the market decide.

USA means capitalism and relatively free markets - if the Chinese happen to be better at it, make more efforts to become competitive.

Curious if this site is still going? Saw the term “Sold by China” being used in some media and it encouraged me

Oh my goodness! I just saw that the Deminimis rule form China is shut down effective Tuesday! Are they watching us here?

Please add the following requirement:

All online businesses (pick sales threshold) that list items sold from outside the country must list the country of manufacture if possible, but also the country being shipped from.

I spend an enormous amount of time avoiding Chinese products, and Amazon just makes it impossible for many products. The browser plugins are not much help either. There is a reason that products sold in American stores require the country of manufacture on the label. I feel like omitting this from the online storefront is wrong.

If Amazon made it easy to identify, or even better–filter for specific countries of manufacture, the listing algorithm may naturally start to bias domestic products.

I feel banning certain market segments shipping from China can have unintended consequences worthy of further study. If someone is going through a hard time and can only afford the cheapest thing, I support them being able to purchase that thing.