Protect the US from a government, leaving office and purposely causing harm

We need to have a Rating system of some sort so we can help prevent a president from getting upset when leaving office and causing harm by making decisions that hold such weight so say like a month before the election it starts, you know instead of being able to make red hot heavy decisions it’s like you can only make orange decisions and yellow decisions and then like the closer it gets like towards the transfer of power it’s like all right just yellow decisions but like it needs to be like an actual time and obviously it’s gonna be more than three categories. I just made it as simple as I possibly could because I’m just stating my idea I have no idea how it would actually work if somebody could do that I will literally edit this take all of this off and put it


I understand and share your concern. We have an extremely obvious case with Biden’s caretakers making decisions that are obviously intended to tie Trump’s hands and mire him in global issues. They are also giving gigantic amounts of money to all their crooked cronies via the New Green Scam. Possible idea:
Immediately after an election, the newly elected president would be allowed to veto certain presidential actions- especially concerning treaties, use of military, etc. If the Lameduck objects to a veto, there could be a fast-decision group to break the tie, eg: Top 2 Senators from each party along with current Vice-president have 24-hours to uphold or overwrite veto.

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I don’t know what to do about this, but you’re correct that this is an important issue.

People used to be too ashamed to do this kind of stuff, openly, or at least they kept up appearances. Now, people don’t seem to even expect integrity, fair play even with the opposition, etc. Decency, heck just good sportsmanship, seem generally forgotten and I don’t know how we can get it back.

This lack of integrity is the foundation of so many problems in not just our society, our country, but the whole world. There are a lot of issues I’ve been trying to to work on solutions for and it keeps coming down to unworkable because people are corrupt and have no integrity, hardly even any decorum.

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