We have responsibility to ensure animals have a happy existence and are slaughtered in a humane way. There are barbaric things taking place on farms & in slaughterhouses. They are also selling horses to overseas slaughterhouses.
These animals are like children. They are incapable of protecting themselves and without a voice .
There needs to be serious laws & punishments passed. These are living creatures that God gave us to look after.
Please…. Look into this. It’s heartbreaking
Its not illegal in some states to consume dogs or cats, put this national ban on the books !!!
Also no selling horses for meat or glue etc. No.
Consider merge: Protect Animals - Raise Humanely - Laws to protect
Trump did expand animal abuse a Federal Crime under his last term.
" President Donald Trump signed a bill that makes animal cruelty a federal felony, saying the measure would help us be “more responsible and humane stewards of our planet.”
The PACT Act – which stands for Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture – was signed by the President at the White House, where he said he was “pleased” to approve the legislation."
However, it is my understanding that most legislation does not consider farm animals the same category. They are unfortunately considered products. I’m not sure about in the PACT Act. Will have to check.
Which States? I don’t think this is possible because cats and dogs are domestic animals and would be protected under federal law even if the State does not protect them. The PACT Act says federal jurisdication. So what constitutes federal jurisdiction and if it is not covered in the States then we need to absolutely include it as a federal ban.
Its still legal in 44 States … legislation needs to meet on a state level, City & County police claim their hands are tied when responding to these calls
Stop anthropomorphizing food and animal companions. The tendency to treat animals as if they possess human-like qualities or emotions has led to absurdly inconsistent and often incoherent laws. These legal contradictions arise from the misguided belief that some animals are “our children,” a view that reflects deeper psychological tendencies rather than a realistic understanding of nature. This mindset not only distorts our relationship with animals but also reveals a troubling human disconnect from the biological and ecological realities of the natural world. In truth, our societal approach to animals should be grounded in respect for their natural roles and behaviors, not in a projection of human characteristics.
There’s nothing humane about slaughtering anything.
Stop trying to control people and imposing your morals on other cultures.
Agree with you. I will 100 percent support a bill that makes it illegal.
Eating cats and dogs seems to be abuse of a domestic animal. Doesn’t that fall under that category? 44 States do not have legislation against abuse and neglect of domestic animals?
Appartently Trump also signed in the Farm Bill which makes it illegal on a Federal level with exceptions:
“The 2018 Farm Bill, which includes the Dog and Cat Meat Trade Prohibition Act, bans the import, export, and slaughter of cats and dogs for human consumption. While this law makes it illegal to slaughter cats and dogs for food at the federal level, exceptions exist for certain indigenous religious or cultural practices.”
I dont think the founders gave the federal government any power over this. But I’m open to be proven wrong. Good thing it’s still protected under religion!
Please see the following.
Not interested gfhj. We disagree on many things. No need to follow me around putting thumbs down on my posts.
Good thing you dont control the public square!
But also you started it! Smh lol
Ohio just prosecuted someone for this under animal cruetly. But they only get one year in jail. I agree there should be an increase in penalty and the laws taking away any exceptions.
It’s completely reasonable to say that factory farms should treat animals as humanely as possible. We are entrusted to care for God’s creation; to use, not abuse. You cannot show reverence for His work without striving to treat it as humanely as we are able.
I agree that too many people acsribe human characterisrics to animals. I’ve had horses since 1992 and I’ve seen this lead to situations such as what happened at a barn where I used to board. The trainer had 2 retired lesson horses in their 30s or close to that. With good care horses live MUCH longer than they used to. That’s just like humans and like humans in old age they need much more care. One horse had cancer but was still enjoying life. It was a similar situation for the other horse.
People driving by or visiting the barn reported it as abuse, which it was not. This is not the first time I’ve seen something like that. People who don’t know horses, especially don’t know those horses looked at them and thought, they are starving or it would be horrible if I felt like that horse.
Companion animals, including horses, are different from animals that I believe God put on this earth for that purpose. But, God entrusted the care of all animals to man. I do think that slaughter animals, should be treated humanely by killing them quickly and up until that point not allowing them to suffer injury or on be housed in insufficient space such that they are on top of one another. Here’s a bit more justification. Have you ever been to a pig slaughter house? Their IQs are equal to or better than the average 3 year old. When they see the pig in front of them be killed, they scream and try to get away. Its horrible. Now I do not think they should not be slaughtered, I love me some bacon, but I’d like some work done to try to minimize their trauma. I don’t necessarily think government should try to enforce that with additional laws. I think that pork producers should consider taking that on. We as consumers can demand that. Then they can advertize, “This pork is produced humanely” similar to marketing of “cage free” eggs. The free market generally does everything better than the government.
I do agree that export of horses for slaughter should be banned but as written, I can’t upvote the suggestions of the post we are commenting on. If I can’t upvote something then I must downvote.
if some of these proposed economic and animal welfare policies were ever enacted, there’s a large part of the country that will suddenly realize they are hungry enough to eat precious fluffy or whatever the family pet is. It happens every day around the world. Yes, animals are incredibly intelligent and emotional and and exhibit many human like traits, because we are animals as well. We may not even be the most intelligent ones. Some arguments could be made that fungi are more intelligent than us. It also seems like we definitely spent a few million years being fast food for bigger predators. But anyway.
My issue with the term “humanely” is that it is subjective and once these laws are in place, can be redefined too easily and be used as weapons against people who are trying to live independently and exercise their freedoms.
From my pov, nothing in nature is humane. Many people have become so disconnected from reality that they think the world should be fair and nice and considerate. Nature doesnt care about that stuff and will kill you for being unprepared and entitled.
This is a philosophical debate based on theories of morality and religion. I understand some people claim that meat tastes better if it is calm when it is killed, im not convinced of that science. But like I always say, im open to be proven wrong.
The bottom line is:
I don’t believe the government has a right to regulate this. Especially not the federal government. I cant find any originalist interpretation that supports it.
Consider the following
I pondered this and wrote the long post below. Then I found out that we already have the Humane Slaughter Act. It mandates things along the same general lines as I did. I’m sure it must have also been cited by others in posts I’ve not yet read.
I hear and respect your doubt about our being able to define humane. I contend that this is similar to the legal definition of obcenity under Roth which is “Whether the average person, applying contemporary community standards would find that the material appeals to a prurient interest in sex, and whether the material was utterly without redeeming social value.” Or as Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart said, “I know it when I see it,”
I also would not conclude that no objective standards could be developed until experts in that industry try. They would probably start with some of the specific examples I provided before. NOTE: The specifics below are only to demonstrate feasibility.
Slaughter Standards for Beef Cattle
No overcrowding while transporting to slaughter site or while waiting on site with overcrowding defined as animals on top or partially on top of one another, so tight there are observed injuries caused or exacerbated and where animals cannot turn around.
Maximum wait times: arrival to slaughter site to actual slaughter. (Visit a feed lot and you’ll see why.)
Adequate food and water to the amount of wait time and weather conditions.
Animals dispatched using one of the following methods:
Clean, orderly facility, working equipment and well trainded staff.
We already have the USDA inspecting these facilities. These standards could be incorporated into their existing responsibiities.
I don’t think these discussions are intended to fully develop ideas to add new regulation, laws, etc. or better yet to remove some of existing now. But we do need to always address feasibility. You, gfhj, have presented your argument eloquently. This post is mine, point - counter point, excellent discussion.
This got me thinking about how the " certified organic" label came about, and how most organic, truely organic - not the dog and pony show that the label became - farmers cant afford to buy the label. I think there are a lot of good intentions our there for these regulations but they very quickly turn into jokes. Like a free range chicken conures images of open fields, but in reality it means they have about 3 sq ft to move around. Most animal welfare laws are jokes, and history has proven more regulation doesnt fix that problem.
We should be decentralizing big ag and meat production, but thats not on the government to do, thats on us. Of course its more compicated than that, but it starts with us all buying chickens or raising meat animals and growing crops individually or in small communities or friend groups. Backyard meat rabbits are more economical than chickens.