Protect America's school children - Secure our schools

We have a new Kabuki dance in America. It begins when someone carrying a gun enters a schoolhouse full of defenseless children and starts killing them. After everyone is dead … the police show up. A thousand police cars and emergency vehicles barricade the streets for blocks in every direction. Hundreds of SWAT armored cops with automatic weapons stand around bullying the parents of the terrified children. News teams pour into the mix. Eventually some politician in a police uniform will find an eager reported and begin touting the heroic actions of the cops and the “same-day” response-time of law enforcement (after everyone is dead).

That begins a cycle of endless media reporting on the incident and the possible motives of the perpetrator (none of which the politician-cops can discuss because there is an ongoing investigation). Then a parade of well-wishers armed with candles, signs, pictures of the dead, and stuffed animals march to the school to create a make-shift monument to the dead children. Finally, some Democrat will find a microphone and blame the 300,000,000 guns in America that did absolutely nothing wrong that day as somehow the cause of each child’s death. Beyond all this … nothing will actually change. The next day 50,000,000 school children in America will be forced by government to flock to another unsafe schoolhouse, there to await the next round of slaughter … and another Kabuki dance.

Einstein said doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.

Consider this in contrast. About 45,000 times a day an airplane takes off in America from one of the 19,000 commercial airports. That’s 16,425,000 sorties a year. Since September 11, 2001, that’s 377,775,000 flights … and approximately 7.5 billion passengers have boarded those flights. Yet there has not been a successful hi jacking of a domestic flight since 9-11!

926 million passengers boarded commercial flights at airports across the United States just last year without incident – yet there were over 300 separate school invasions and mass shootings last year …and there have been approximately 1,500 school shooting incidents in America since 9-11-2001.

I won’t connect the dots for you. An ameba could figure it out. Politicians are known to say, “We want the issue, not the solution.” High schools are spending hundreds of millions of dollars on football stadiums while the student body is sitting there defenseless. One morning I’d like to hear that some school officials and some politicians are being prosecuted for allowing children to be murdered while in their custody. Hasn’t happened yet! Accountability in government is a fiction.

Fix the problem … then fix the blame. TSA figured it out.