Must register with a federal agency within 30 days of _______ (date).
Anyone who has entered the U.S. illegally or overstayed their visa.
Children born to Illegal Immigrants
Changes must be reported within 30 days
Address, Phone Number, eMail Address, Employment, Marital Status
Consider giving registrant a Path to Citizenship
Loosely based on the Legal Immigrant paths to citizenship
(add 5(?) years as a penalty for entering illegally or overstaying a Visa?)
No Current U.S. voting rights
No Current U.S. Entitlements - Cessation of Government Programs
No Housing
No Welfare
Alternative? Leave and return Legally
Reasons for immediate deportation:
Illegal Immigrant’s personal election to be returned to country of origin
(U.S. to provide transportation and a small cash appropriation)
Failure to register within the 30 days
Incomplete or Inaccurate Registration Information
Commission of a Felony
Commission of a Crime
I.e. Voting in a U.S. election
Abuse of Government Entitlements / Programs
Registration Questionnaire:
Current Personal Information
(I believe that the U.S. has given illegal immigrants a phone app.)
Current Address in the U.S.
Length of time at address
List ALL previous addresses in the U.S.
Phone Number, eMail Address
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Nationality / Citizenship
Last Home Address prior to entering the U.S.
Level of Education
Means of Economic Support prior to entering the U.S.
Full Names, ages and contact Information of ALL individuals living with you
Current Means of economic support
How long employed
Company Name, Address, Phone Number, Industry, Position, Supervisor
Name, Address, Phone Number, eMail Address
How long employed
Company Name, Address, Phone Number, Industry, Position, Supervisor
Any gang affiliations
Father’s Full Name
Father’s current Address, contact information
Father’s Country of Citizenship
Mother’s Full Name (and Maiden Name)
Mother’s current Address, contact information
Mother’s Country of Citizenship
ALL Siblings' Full Name (and any Maiden Name), Current Address, Phone Number
Sibling’s current Address, contact information
Sibling’s Country of Citizenship
Entry into the U.S.
Entry point
Method of Entry
Entity that assisted / facilitated entry into the U.S.
Registration Physical Requirements:
Hair Color
Eye Color
Photo (for facial recognition)
DNA sample