SUBJECT: Proposal to Shift all of Healthcare to Adopt the Holistic Paradigm and Include Related
Teachings in Academia. Propose to open an Office for Holistic Interventions.
FROM: Lilo Bauer-Freitag, M.A., CLC (Psychotherapist and Holistic Life Coach, now retired;
Minister, Author, Activist and Advocate for Holistic Thought for over 30 years)
DATE: 19 November 2024
In the late 90’s, America’s healthcare was ripe for a huge paradigm shift, en par with the evolution of Quantum Physics. The era of Newtonian Physics and of looking at cause and effect only in in physical and directly observable ways was effectively over. Instead, on a subatomic level, there exist connections for fascinating synchronicities of everything happening in our world, to include for health and wellbeing of humans, all life forms, and also of earth itself (another life form).
A review of “Holism” as currently practiced in America and defined on the internet reveals:
• There is no standard definition of Holism. A very limited application of the term is used for each and every system studied. Everyone defines the “whole” system merely from their limited perspective. There is no agreement even among practitioners who call themselves “holistic,” as a survey I conducted a few years ago showed.
• Holism never refers to the “Whole” system as “all of creation” or to “the universe.”
• In schools, counseling or medical fields, the shift toward Holism became reduced to asking individuals about some of their thoughts and feelings,
and to some of their lifestyle choices, perhaps recommending some spiritual activities with those making the recommendations not necessarily being spiritual at all.
However, Holism is not limited to one individual or even society, not just to the food one consumes or on some feel-good techniques, or to adding Yoga and meditation to one’s lifestyle. It necessarily is an entire world view. The basic premises of anything truly holistic are as follows:
• Everything is Energy.
In the words of Richard Con, Professor of Johns Hopkins: “Get over it and accept the inarguable conclusion that the universe is immaterial. It is mental and spiritual.”
Or as Nikola Tesla put it: “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”
Or also: “Later in history, [this] will be judged to be the primary discovery of the twentieth century…that living organisms are sensitive to magnetic fields, that living organisms produce magnetic fields, that electric currents flow within the body, and that all of these things are part of the living process.” (Robert O. Becker, MD, “The Body Electric).
And, “The human organism is an electromagnetic cloud” (Johnjoe McFadden).
• Everything is Alive. There is nothing lifeless, and there is no “dead” matter. There is only energy from densest to most subtle forms, and all have their own magnetic fields.
• Everything is replicated, from infinitely small to infinitely large. It follows that every organism is nestled inside other, larger organisms (like the cells inside our own physical bodies), thus our magnetic fields overlap. Since this is so, it is true that everything has a means to communicate with everything else in subatomic realms, i.e., the realms of thought and emotions and it is quite likely that all have some form of thought and emotion.
• Energy is Information, i.e., conscious, goal-directed intelligence. All energy, even a light bulb, produces an effect in subtle energy realms, according to the principle “Like energy frequencies seek and bind to each other.” And also, persistent bombardment with particular energy frequencies is capable to incite its environment or parts of its environment to vibrate in like fashion. This is the foundation of all holistic therapies which utilize subtle energy and apply them to the human energy fields. It is also the area where technology is doing much damage.
• There is no Holism at the exclusion of Spirit. This is, perhaps, the most important premise of all as is the finest and fastest pulsing energy throughout the universe, permeating all and thus infuses everything with knowledge and information.
[If you have been reading this far, overcoming certain “scientific” or (non-)spiritual biases, please read on…]
While focusing on clean food, chemical-free environments, physical exercise and, perhaps, some spiritual practices are certainly steps in the right direction, holistic therapies still remain but one tiny afterthought and outlier of the perpetuation of the current, limited medical paradigm.
This constitutes a huge waste of potential and has to change. We have it upside-down. MD’s and all scientists, yes, all people must begin to think in holistic terms. Medical interventions could be much more effective and health outcomes improved if medicine itself were brought up-to-date and incorporated into a truly Holistic Paradigm, with holistic therapy (especially subtle-energy therapy) PRECEDING all medical and psychiatric diagnosing, procedures and treatment plans, unless in cases of medical emergencies, of course. At the same time, the Holistic Paradigm must be taught in schools and colleges for all people to catch on. The more the consumers understand about the therapies, the better they work, which is almost the opposite to current medical practice. Until we begin thinking holistically,…
• Most people will not live life in a holistic, life-promoting fashion.
• Most technology is not holistic and life-promoting.
• Healthcare is far from holistic, in intent and in outcome, even if we plug in a few holistic therapies here and there, into the treatment plans. Such removal of therapies from their holistic context and subordinating them to an allopathic paradigm dramatically reduces their effect. Intent is energy and thus influences outcome, too.
In summary, the currently proposed changes—while laudable–don’t go nearly far enough, from a holistic perspective.
So much has been written and said about Holism and subtle energies for decades in the West, and for much longer in the East. Subtle energy manipulation may very well have been how Christ healed people. Theosophists tried to introduce models from India; schools sprung up (e.g., Richard Gerber, M.D., 1997, “Vibrational Medicine” or Barbara Brennan, 193, “Light Emerging,” with her own school founded in 1982); Carolyn Myss published in 1996, “Anatomy of the Spirit”; John Davidson, Biologist, 1987, “Subtle Energy”; in 1989, R. Carlson published a collection of 37 essays, written by prominent people in the healing professions, entitled, “Healers on Healing”; also in 1989, S. Karagulla and D. Gelder-Kunz published their research findings in “The Chakras and the Human Energy Fields”; even earlier, in1965, there was W.J. Kilner who authored, “The Human Aura”; and much earlier yet, in 1925, inspired by Eastern studies and the American Theosophical Society, there was C.W. Leadbeater with, “Man Visible and Invisible.” In 1989, the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energy and Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM) was born, to study the energies and informational systems that interact with the human body, and how they can either improve or disrupt homeostasis. Their journals featured some very serious and fascinating research. However, no matter how “scientific,” the mainstream medicine found ways to ignore or reject. This is not an exhaustive list of all the thought and work which went into Holism, by far. Yet it was relegated into a corner and labeled “Self-Help” or “New Age” in bookstores. Many devoted M.D.’s were pursued, slandered and stripped of credentials, much as is happening today concerning COVID measures.
There is credible research regarding light emitted by cells and cell expansion, internal dynamics of living organisms, nonlocal EMF effects, of light piping channels (much like Meridians?) and more, by Kaiserslautern physicists, Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, to mention a few. ISSEEM obtained clear evidence of the “healer effect, although physicians and US Federal Drug Administration is more interested in machines which can do such things to and with a patient (ISSSEEM, Bridges, Fall 1997), and without the presence of “Love” which is utilized by a natural healer. In 1998, NIH closed/renamed the former Office of Alternative Medicine and placed stricter scientific control as “…some alternative therapies may…interfere with conventional cancer treatments.” Now the NCCAM decides what “sound decisions” and “solid research” are. I am speculating that this may be the reason that I find much research about EMF effects of and in our bodies from Germany, but not from the U.S., when we could be leading in such research.
Studying said literature, the reader readily discovers that the biggest hinderance to wider consideration and acceptance lies in the terminology used by each. Each author basically invented their own terminology to describe observed and theorized phenomena which appear foreign to a Western world view. Or they differ due to authors’ diverse trainings in specific disciplines. Hence, a biologist or quantum physicist or healer may be describing the same phenomena with entirely different terminology, unbeknownst to the reader. Moreover, unifying Paradigm definitions and parameters for specific applications had not been formulated.
Consider how long psychiatry, psychology and psychotherapists have been talking about “the Mind,” without defining exactly what it is (in measurable terms) and where it is in relation to the physical body. To this day, the Mind remains a theory which gave rise to so many different schools of thought because the unifying Holistic Paradigm escaped all. And there are the churches and scriptures discussing “spirit” and “soul,” which attain new meaning when viewed as subtle energy, i.e., original creative energy (God’s intent, thoughts and emotions, if you will) and the human Mind, which consists our own energy fields created by our own thoughts and emotions.
In summer of 1995, Marc Micozzi, M.D., PhD. (Adjunct Professor of Pharmacology and Physiology at Georgetown University School of Medicine and the founding Director of the Policy Institute for Integrative Medicine in Washington D.C.) was interviewed by Dr. Daniel Redwood (Professor and Director of Human Nutrition and Functional medicine programs at UWS). During this interview, Dr. Micozzi urged we merge mainstream medicine with alternative therapies as a remedy to ease the health care crisis which persists to this day. He bemoaned how America lags behind European countries in this regard. He also bemoans the lack of paradigm definitions! He stressed we shouldn’t use terms like “mainstream” and “alternative”: “Science is science,” he said, which is a very important point: When defining life and all things in terms of energy, with varying density and frequencies, absolutely everything becomes at least potentially measurable, to include the Mind with its thoughts and emotions, permeating the physical body and thus affecting physical wellbeing and conditions. This interview represented a turning point in this author’s life. (1)
(1) In response to this interview, I published my own book in 1996, entitled, “Healing: The Emerging Holistic Paradigm.” It builds the long-needed bridge between the disciplines and also suggests a catalog of uniform terminology to be used by all. Almost coincidentally, it also provides the basis for Holistic Psychotherapy as a new school of thought in psychology. As such it is useful as an introductory text for Holism to be taught in schools. To order, contact This book was reviewed by Dr. Marc Micozzi who had inspired me to write it. He called it, “…a gooood book.” Please visit my website,
Unfortunately, by the year 2000, mainstream Medicine had doubled down and responded with ever more inaffordable and potentially harmful technology used in “healing,” while intensifying the old “slash-poison-burn” approaches. Be aware that the most unhealthy places in terms of electro smog and electromagnetic radiation in America are Urgent Care Centers, doctors/dental offices, hospitals, nursing homes and gyms. And, in reality, all crowded places are unhealthy with everyone always carrying phones and keeping them on.
In 2016, I published the following article on, entitled “WHAT IS HOLISIM?”
“Every decade creates its own buzzwords and new concepts. Some of these stick around for more than a decade, while others disappear again or are replaced. “Holistic” therapies entered the West during the 70’s when it became fashionable to travel to India, China or Tibet, in an effort to expand our worldview and a scientific paradigm that was mostly based on tangible matter and what can be witness with human eyes. Ever since, the West has remained calling for an expansion of this paradigm that is unable to account for much our human experience: Most of what we cherish and wish for in life, i.e., love, purpose, meaning, happiness, wellbeing, creativity, joy, forgiveness, communication with each other, with nature and with God…are highly intangible and non-scientific ideas. In fact, an “idea” in and by itself is mystical in nature, as are moments of deep insight and understanding which change us forever. Those come from and occur in realms which escape the parameters of physics, mathematics, economics, medicine or psychiatry. Even much of psychology and mental health schools of thought contain concepts which seem to defy clear definitions and precise measurement. No one knows exactly what and where “the Mind” is, let alone, “the Self,” “Ego,” confidence or willpower, attitude or thought, a feeling, consciousness, or life itself. When not defining the universe in terms of energy , while including the less visible but inevitable subtle-energy components of the human organism, the essence of life, health and conscious living forever evade us.
There are five basic premises of a truly holistic paradigm
- Everything is Energy, in varying density and energy frequency. The temporary manifestation or “illusion” of matter comes about by sub-atomic particles being suspended in certain distances from each other, through electromagnetic attraction.
- Everything is ALIVE. There is nothing “dead” or truly “solid.” A dead “thing” cannot exist or be. It would not be a “thing” we can talk about. As soon as it is, it consists of particles, atoms, molecules and/or cells, all vibrating with enormous energy.
- All Energy is Information and Goal-Directed. This implies that it is conscious of itself, in some fashion, further evidenced by the fact that our own consciousness and intent can interact, influence and communicate with all things and with the energy on those levels of pure consciousness. The original idea (there is that word again) for this universe is that there was an energy frequency or impulse which can be perceived (alas, it communicates, as “the word” or as sound, at least), and it has creative powers. Everything which vibrates is alive and produces an effect (waves or “ripple” effects), with the ability to “excite” or transform all in its path. Much of non-physical/sub-atomic bonding occurs according to the principle, “like to like.” Like information or energy is attracted to each other, and energy/information can be changed when bombarded continuously with differently vibrating energy. You might recall Dr. Emoto’s water experiments, as a case in point.
- Everything in this Universe is Replicated, Infinitely Large or Small, and consists basically of the same energetic components. Hence consider not the shape of physical form of bodies; instead, consider the electromagnetic bodies which house the physical manifestations. From atom to planets and stars, and everything in between, all has very similar form and bodies. We are all electromagnetic bubbles, with smaller and smallest “bubbles” floating inside of us. In turn, we and all there is floats inside larger energy clouds or “bubbles.” The expressions, “Microcosm equals Macrocosm,” and “As above, so below,” come to mind here.
- Yes, there is Spirit, permeating all, whether we like this term or not, whether we call it God or not. Spirit can not be ignored or omitted—we cannot sacrifice truth for political correctness. It is the core of the Holistic Paradigm and the driver of all there is, including our health and wellness. Without it, creation ceases to exist.
The mind or soul can thus be defined as the sum of our sub-atomic, non-physical, subtle energy fields which consist of—from finest to densest—of our abstract ideas and purpose, to thoughts and to emotions. “Attitudes” are constructs of certain emotional connections we make with any particular thought. All of these are our creations (or they were adopted into our “house” with our consent or without our conscious awareness), and those are with us at all times, surrounding and permeating us, in egg-shape-fashion. They are conscious, seeing and thinking and communicating, independent of a physical brain, ears or eyes, of DNA or any physical body at all. All “ghost,” “angel,” and “spirit” phenomena thus can be understood as semi-tangible and reasonable subtle-energy manifestations, as does mind-to-mind communication, as well as communication among all that exists. Not only is such communication possible, but it is happening constantly, throughout creation, because everything has a soul or mind. And many subtle-energy formations exist only in (or better, as a mind), without any physical form whatsoever. The mechanism—our non-physical sensory organs, in fact—to facilitate communication (both sending and receiving), connecting our subtle-energy bodies with each other and with realms of like energy/information, is our Chakra System. Importing knowledge about the Chakras from the East into our understanding was a monumental milestone in the direction of a paradigm shift toward Holism. Still, our science continues to view the physical body as paramount, and it presumes the physical brain as the seat and driver or our consciousness and behaviors. Both premises seem to be delaying any real progress toward a shift, even when “holistic therapies” are merely used as augmentation to a medical intervention which remains true to the old paradigm and continues to be considered superior.
However, if something as crude as a wire coat hanger or a feather can show the existence of these subtle energy fields or bodies, you know that science can or could measure and explore them.
(to be continued)