Proportional ranked choice voting for Congressional Elections

Proportional is the key, not just RCV, see detailed explanation:

This results in some major benefits:

  1. In a state like California, Republicans would also have representation
  2. In a state like Mississippi, Democrats would have representation
  3. Partisanship is significantly reduced, because instead of 51% of people having all the say, 100%-ish of people have a say
  4. No more duality of “candidate A” or “not candidate A”: instead, the 2nd most liked candidate (in the case of senate) still wins
  5. Corporate capture becomes far more difficult because duality is removed (with duality, they just fund the 2 frontrunners)
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I’m on board, not to mention confused why we don’t already do this. Excited to learn more!

Thank you. And yes I completely agree - this will help us get ourselves out of this rut of cruelty towards each other for ideological and political reasons.

Because if this website can prove anything it’s that people relish the chance to feel engaged and represented, and are in the end, happier and optimistic.

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Ranked choice voting is complicated for voters to understand, and most proportional solutions either move a large portion of a voter’s vote power outside of their district, or require creating large multi-seat districts such as in your plan, where members are less accountable to their constituents due to population. For a great alternative visit this voting proposal: Proportional Past the Post elections!

Or get an overview video here:

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I think you may not have read the title of my post, it’s precisely what I’m advocating (proportional ranked choice voting), just a day ahead of yours :wink:

I agree it has to be proportional, otherwise it doesn’t help much

Proportional is the key! What I’m proposing simplifies the voting process to not require ranked voting, but still does a great job of capturing the voting will of individuals whose choice doesn’t come in first in their district.

Ah you’re saying without the RCV

Proportional + RCV is the best

I agree with you that proportional + FPTP would also be good (and better than RCV on its own)

The ranking is critical to give smaller candidates a chance with proportional representation

i.e. proportional + RCV, selecting the top N candidates (with N > 1), will get you the best results because people voting for N + 1 candidates (i.e. not the major ones) will still get their vote counted for N