Property tax per sqft decouple from improvements

The current taxing of real estate property Is punitive. People don’t want to make improvements to their property because they know their taxes will go up because the value will go up. We need to value of property to the improvements by taxing property, based on the amount of square footage of land that you own.
This will create essentially a flat tax based on square footage, not on an arbitrary value when someone improves their property. This will encourage people to improve, knowing their taxes won’t go up. All of those improvements will stimulate the economy.

This will also show taxpayers how much their governments are spending Because they will know how much it cost to run the government per square foot of the land for which that government is the overseer.

Step two of This decoupling plan is to then put a cap on the per square foot taxation of real property. Kapp then limit the spending of local governments because they won’t be able to tax anymore due to the cap The cap could be a percentage of the GDP or local economy factors. So, if the economy is not doing well, taxation goes down, which means they must reduce the size of government