If you own just one single family house, property tax should be very low.
For each additional house you own, property tax rate should go up exponentially. Owning more than 2 or 3 houses should be unfeasible because of the amount of taxes you would have to pay on them all. Ex starting rate is 1% per year, so on a $1m house you are paying $10k per year. If you buy a second you are now paying 2% on both, so if the second is also $1m you are paying $40,000 total. Buy a third house and now it is 4% on all of them, $120,000 per year. 5 homes would be 16% every year, so $800,000 in taxes every year for five $1m homes.
Most importantly this doesn’t just apply to individuals, this also applies to companies. Don’t let Blackrock and Vanguard buy up all of the single family homes and make our entire population renters.