Professional athletes and other entertainers are extremely overpaid and have become immune to the law. Their contracts need to be revisited.
Their salaries are unrealistic and should be slashed. They are all hired to simply be entertainers and need to be paid and expected to behave as such. Mid-range 6 figure incomes are more than generous for entertaining and reducing their insane salary will knock them off their untouchable pedestals.
We need to add an Expectation of Behavior clause in their contracts that states zero tolerance for illegal and unethical behavior.
Illegal activity would result in voiding of their contract including a payback requirement since they will not fulfill what they were hired to do.
Unethical behavior, including political grandstanding, would also have a hefty fine and include unpaid suspension for a decent duration. Second offense would void their contract and will also include the payback requirement.
Both instances would have an added large fine if the entertainer refuses to publicly apologize to the American people for embarrassing/offending the country with their behavior.
Also, if the contract is voided due to their behavior they are banned from the Entertainment Industry.