Privatize Some Government Agencies

There is no shortage of things that the government runs, that is best left up to the private sector and the free market.

NPR and PBS-- Great examples. We do not need government run media, and they would both be better off competing with ABC, CNN, Breitbart, etc. as independent companies.

Air Traffic Control-- Trump floated the idea of privatizing air traffic control in our airports while he was in his first year of being President. Many European countries do this privately as well, and it helps put the cost burden solely on people who actually fly.

Amtrak-- Not technically owned by the government, but they receive lots of government subsidies and taxpayers front the cost of a government appointed Board of Governors. They received over $6.8 billion in government subsidies in 2023 and they do not profit. Forcing the responsibility of them being independent would make them a much better functioning company.

United States Postal Service-- This one has been brought up in certain internet circles. I can agree with this to an extent, but we can’t ignore this is an explicit constitutional part of the government. At a bare minimum, we need major reform for the manner they resolve missing mail and packages.

There’s definitely more that’s up to debate. People have been back and forth on privatizing social security and others, but if we focus on other privatization efforts then I believe we can truly start shrinking the overreaching government and their reckless spending.