Primary Water - a worldwide answer to any drought or water shortage

States use water as a commodity and a way to control the population and increase revenues while limiting personal freedoms.

False claims of water shortages create panic, price gouging and the use of over 40,000 chemicals to treat reclaimed water stored in aquifers. Shared usage between states of reservoirs, rivers and rain only add to the illusion of a limited supply.

The earth is a water planet and has more water underneath it than what can be found in ALL the oceans of the planet.

This has been proven science, and there are individuals who have found an abundance of clean pure water in remote places like Africa, the desert and other drought stricken location worldwide.

There is a lake in CA that has three wells pumping over 5000GPM each for the last 25 years that keeps this lake full, yet their website claims it is filled by only reclaimed and runoff to hide the fact that its source is continual. This lake is ALWAYS full even when runoff and water is scarce.

There are primary water wells located throughout the nation and the world that supply farmlands, communities and families of pure life giving chemical free water without fail…

Water has been held hostage by almost every state, city and town claiming excessive use depletes the availability whereas it has been shown that roughly 97% of all water used in America is chemically treated reclaimed waste water filled with about every chemical and drug imaginable. Only 3% of water used is ground water.

Primary water would supply the world with clean “sweet” water in perpetuity without EVER having to claim a shortage again.

Politicians and water delivery companies do NOT want this information known yet there is a known institute who has made it their mission to both supply water to nations in need and fulfill the need of an unlimited supply.

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