Although the president is regarded as comander & chief, Pardons in some instances of personal conflict and inflicted harm should be evaluated by we the people prior to acceptance
Presidents pardoning family is a clear conflict of interest as well as releasing someone who continues to be involved in crimes after release and should be held accountable or let we the people decide and or debate reasoning prior to consideration PERIOD
This atrocity was clearly not foreseen by the Founding Fathers. If they had, they would surely have added a provision to the Constitution allowing the VP to handle pardons where a conflict of interest would otherwise exist (remember that neither political parties in the USA nor the 12th Amendment yet existed at that point, the feud between Hamilton and Jefferson giving rise to the former, and Burr’s refusal to yield to Jefferson in 1800, thus forcing the first ever contingency election, giving rise to the latter).
I was thinking, perhaps a President’s pardon is/ought to be invalid if he is found to be an accessory to the pardoned crime/crimes, especially if those crimes were committed before he was President and therefore before he had immunity.
Otherwise, wouldn’t this be… what would be the term? Racketeering perhaps?
You know, a person involved in criminal enterprises sees a chance to become President and thereby get immunity for himself and pardon/pardons for any coconspirators in said crimes. If it’s planned out ahead of time… that certainly ought not be allowed, I think.
I’m surprised this post hasn’t had more attention.
Probably because there are other topics on Presidential Pardoning, that this one should likely be merged with.
And plenty more:
Ah I see, thankyou. I have no idea how that works so I’ll buy out
I have not figured out how to merge
Check out the Merge Proposals section - there’s even a video explaining how.