It is time to rethink how highschoolers spend their day going from useless class to useless class. Implement a school day where 2 days a week is given to classroom learning and the other three days are given to learning a trade, Or half day of business classes, most of these kids have it in them to be young entrepreneurs already with their savviness of technology.
I agree that the system needs to be overhauled… I propose high school ends at 10th grade they take their GED or high school equivalents exam at the end of 10th grade depending on the score of that test. They will have the ability to have their first two years of community college paid for to finish out 12 years or they get to pick from two years into a trade, I further propose that drivers training is part of our educational system. And after 10th grade those two years that are being paid for college or trade school they have to join ROTC I believe we are failing our youth by not having them have all the tools needed to succeed after graduation .
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