Postal service

USPS is in financial distress. Most countries deliver mail 3 days a week due to massive volume decrease. USPS is in the same boat. USPS has increased delivery days to 7 in order to serve Amazon. This has increased overtime workhours and created staffing issues. USPS should be mandated by policy to go to a 5 day Monday - Friday work week. Deliver letters and magazines Monday Wednesday and Friday. Parcel delivery should occur all 5 days because the USPS delivered 2.6 billion medical prescriptions last year. This is vital. Reducing to a five day work week would dissolve 1 out of every 6 jobs in the USPS. Currently you need an additional employee for every 5 employees to cover days off.

Post Office and Amtrak run by the Government and cost tax payers billions. Need to get the Government out of the mix and privatize both post office and rail service. How many people actually mail a Christmas card anymore at .75 cents postage.