Politicians Should NOT make more than the median salary in their state

My husband and I have talked about this so much that politicians make WAY too much money. By them making the median salary of their state it incentivizes them to encourage their constituents to work hard!


And all members of Congress must put all existing investments in a blind trust and unable to invest during their tenure. To ensure compliance, they shall be subject to an automatic yearly audit. No longer should a politician make $175k/yr and end up being worth millions in a few years without having to explain it and proving it was legal.


I actually disagree with this wholeheartedly. If we want the best people we need to pay more than they can make in the private arena. We want the best of the best as our representatives. Their jobs are not easy or for the faint of heart and they may be sacrificing a lot to do that job so they should be paid well. Iā€™m not signing up for it even though I truly care about the US. They get rich by insider trading and corruption, not their salary.


I agree on the idea of making them accountable for their pay, but I think it should be based on their approval rating from their state. So they set a salary amount, then they only get paid based on their approval rating. Yearly polls would be needed. If they only have a 30% approval rating, then they make 30% of their salary.


Why not let each state determine what they will pay their representatives and their senators? Certainly there should be no pay increases unless it is put to a vote by the people. Congress should not be voting themselves pay increases. They also should not be voting themselves, their benefits packages. And they should have to live 100% Under every law that they pass no special exceptions for themselves. Meaning if they mandate vaccines for the people then they can be the first ones to step up and get them and let the people administer them to make sure theyā€™re not getting placeboā€˜s.


Why not the median national salary?


One big problem is Representatives and Senators spend way too much time in DC. There is no reason for them to spend 11 months a year debating and voting on a few bills and sitting on committees. They all get elected and move to DC and forget their constituents until the next election. Most of the legislation passed is garbage and unnecessary anyway and the only thing coming out of committees is hot air. Why in the world canā€™t they get organized and spend 2 or 3 months in session take care of business and go back to their home state. The longer they are there the more like DC they become and have all this extra time to pass legislation that just makes our lives more difficult. Pay them the 10% above US median household income basic benefits term limits and wonā€™t need to pay retirement benefits anymore.


Do you think itā€™s ok for them to give themselves pay raises, even higher raises than normal workers would get?

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They should strictly be voluntary positions. Then you know they are actually passionate about making our country better.


Constitutionally, the Federal government should only convene 2 times a year with a minimal compensation and be made to work a real job in the state district they represent. The Senators should live and work in the state they represent. This would keep them in tune with their state and the people they represent.


Or they have corrupt motives and just want to make laws that benefit the people who fund them.

NO INSIDE TRADING!!! or they will be prosecuted and any gained investment will go into social security fund. :slight_smile:


I think a basic salary of $75,000 a year is more than enough (perhaps a bit more for higher positions). Itā€™s a lot more than most in this country make by a mile and, NO voting on their own pay raises, thatā€™s just ridiculous.


I like this idea

The problem is Washington DC has a high cost of living. I do think incentives matter. Maybe tie a bonus to how well your state citizens are doing.

I appreciate the sentiment here. But if they create the proper conditions, the median salary will be higher. The idea here is to incentivise our leaders to push policy that backs up Americaā€™s middle class against the corporate nightmare.


These were meant to be temporary, part-time positions and originally they were volunteers who continued to work their regular jobs outside of when they had to be in session to vote on matters. ā€œPoliticianā€ was never meant to be a career. They are the ones who decided to give themselves a salary without the consent of the people to begin with and have continued to give themselves pay raises in the same exuberant fashion.


I disagree. We want the average American to be able to be a government servant. They are the best representatives of we the people. They should not make more than $50,000 with no pension, no healthcare benefits, and not allowed to fraternize with any lobbyists locally or federally. If someone wants to serve, then they should serve for their term and leave. No more lifetime members.


Because they should have to live within the means of their constituents, from their State that voted them into office, not get an increased salary (for the lower median States) based on States that have a higher median income.

I like the idea of no more top earners being elected officials in some states. Live like the people you represent, so you can truly feel their burdens, or donā€™t run for office!


A better plan isā€¦ pay them more, but still prohibit private investment