Police officers need to go to school longer and learn the actual law not policies would save a lot of tax payer money because of lawsuits…the lawsuits should come out of the police officers pention. You have cops out here killing innocent people and arresting innocent people take away qualified immunity and this should fix it unless anyone else has some ideas.
If only the people who also thought like this were on the website…it’s horrible out here…cops killing who ever for no reason…and don’t even know the law. 100 percent they need more schooling and take away qualified immunity should fix the crimes they committed so they don’t.
100 percent agree
Yea, if I can argue the law with an officer and prove them wrong, than there is a major issue with their training and education.
Qualified Immunity needs to go!
Subsidies should also be granted to any company that can manufacture tactical options that work as efficiently as lethal force.
Qualified Immunity was a doctrine established by the Supreme Court in 1967. While some laws and regulations may be used to support or attack Qualified Immunity defense, it origins are from case law, not legislative. As such, the courts would be reluctant to dismiss QI simply because a law was passed limiting this defense, and probably would overturn such laws. More broadly, the courts are reluctant to lessen or reform any case law that would give defendants more rights in criminal cases, fearing a flood of appeals, jamming up the courts, wreaking havoc on the criminal justice system, and weakening law enforcement’s hand to basically do whatever they need to win conviction.
Given the broad, punitive oversight of the Federal DOJ and vast funding it gives to state and local law enforcement, realistically only the President or the US Attorney General has the power to reign in Qualified Immunity. The DOJ bureaucracy doesn’t want to willingly give up QI as it protects the rank and file. President-elect Trump, due to his legal wrangling, might be interested in this type of Judicial Reform, but he has also talked about getting tougher on crime. So any type of Qualified Immunity Reform probably starts with Trump’s views on this, and that of his nominee for US Attorney General, Pam Bondi. In one sense, if Trump wanted to counter his legal adversaries, using the DOJ to knock down Qualified Immunity defense could go a long ways in achieving this goals. Any Policy Ideas would probably need to be crafted with this in mind.
As such, I have proposed a Policy Idea that would restore the rights of workers with prior conviction to equal employment opportunities. It is called the Workers’ Indemnity and Guaranty Plan. Click on the following link Justice Reform: WORKERS’ INDEMNITY AND GUARANTY PLAN. It doesn’t solve the Qualified Immunity problem, but it allow people who have been run over by the system, justly or unjustly, the ability to get back on their feet, and to be able to fight for a fairer, more just legal system