I think we need to add a perjury cause to the oath of office! So if they’re caught in a lie, they are fired from their position and charged with the felony perjury & the violation of oath of office. It needs to be easier to remove a tyrant from their possession, this is another way! If not completely removed, they are voted out by the people that voted them in! Maybe we need to figure out a way such as this website to do a mass vote on certain topics, such as legislation or voting somebody out. Legislators are supposed to be the voice of the people, We used to have town halls & the people voted on the topics in legislation, Legislators are supposed to represent the people, not the bureaucrats & lobbyist that line their pockets. I don’t believe in an official capacity they should have the opportunity to use the fifth amendment. They’re working for us, it’s time they started representing the people, time to hold these people accountable. Now, I don’t know how this could be done because of the immunity, but I would like to be able to fathom the possibility of trusting our government sometime in my life! Because there’s not a day that has went by they don’t want your taxes, but where the hell is the representation.
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This is absolutely a must as the detrimental impact of ideology has pushed government, elected & civil servants, into a pay for play system and not one who is supposed to serve the people. This has slowly pushed our Constitution from a foundational document of rights and freedoms to essentially a piece of scratch paper.