Perimenopause and Menopause Coverage for Women

Women’s health is not taken seriously, in the US. The solution is to throw birth control at women, over 35, when they start to experience anything other than their optimal “normal” range. Most doctors are male, and don’t even begin to take women seriously. They end up looking at them like they are crazy. The symptoms for perimenopause are starting in women, in their early 30’s and health coverage does not extend to HRT, or anything to help the “crazy” women have energy or feel normal again. Holistic medicine isn’t covered, and could help women as well. Women are spending thousands of dollars just to feel optimal while men get to carry on their normals lives never knowing how women are actually feeling removed from their bodies. It’s time to bring professionals into the picture for women’s healthcare, that are after reproductive years, and stop shaming women for wanting answers.


I agree and I wish more women would VOTE for this! Mary Claire Haver is an OBGYN that started a wave of Menopause Centers. But THEY NEED FUNDING on finding a cure instead of treating the ailments with antidepressant drugs and birthcontrol. Her book- “The NEW menopause” is SPOT ON about HRT, Our foods lacking pure nutrients in comparison to our grandmothers, and how more women are obese because of what Big Pharma pushes out that are treatments- Not CURES. The drugs they push cause more damage than any good. Including Ozempic and Zepound for weight loss as it eats away at our muscle mass which is most critical to have as we get older to prevent hip and knee replacements. Statistically, elderly women die seven years sooner shortly after having hip surgery when good nutritional diet and a 10 min daily light rebounding/ muscle resistance regimen can prevent this as we get older. Fact: Our Tax Dollars funded $238 BILLION towards planned parenthood. Womens health, HRT research, menopause, perimeno, puberty hormone research funding: $41 million! Its time we demand RESPECT from doctors that say "Its menopause, (You hysterical whiney woman wasting my time in my doctors office) Get use to it! " Versus doing actual research for understanding what it does to the body to trigger hot flashes, memory loss and find cures instead of pill pushing treatments!

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I came to this site to say exactly what you’ve posted. It’s scary that women are out here trying to help each other thru this, find a doc that we can all go to that will listen, find ways to pay for help, etc. I’m a business owner, lifelong athlete, mom, wife; I’ve always been in control of my life and my mind. 2yrs ago at age 45, I was not myself. I was crying, felt so emotional, hopeless, got no enjoyment out of my life (I AM A HAPPY PERSON!), and my monthly cycle was so painful it kept me up 2 whole nights/month. I went to my Gyno, my PCP, cried in their offices, did all the blood tests. Until this point, I wasn’t even on 1 prescription. Totally healthy. Both of these doctors told me that all my tests were “normal” and that I should try drinking more water and meditation?! They also suggested an anti-depressant, cholesterol meds, and BP meds- there was no discussion of how or why these readings were at a level that I needed treated w/meds. 1 week later I ran into my friend at the store from the gym that is 10yrs older than me. I cried to her in the bread aisle! She stopped me and told me a doc she has been using for 10yrs and that I need my hormones tested. The next week, I went and my blood was drawn. The following week, I was in the office for my results. I was making almost 0 Testosterone, and was severely deficient in Magnesium and Vitamin D! I started being treated w/BHRT Testosterone and they started me on a good Vit D (w/A & K) and a Magnesium pill. When I say I felt like myself within 1 week, I’m not exaggerating. I’m now 1 year into treatment and taking no prescriptions and haven’t felt better since I was in my 20s. Getting to this point was ridiculous enough. However, add in that NONE of this w/my women’s health doctor is covered by insurance?!?! HOW CAN THIS BE!? I’m paying out of pocket for my women’s health!??! PLEASE HELP US!!!