Pay rates of senate and house members based on actual national debt

Senate and house pay rates should be based on concrete, well defined performance metrics. These metrics should guage the well-being of our nation. Such metrics might include GDP, national debt, and rates of homelessness. The performance and well-being of the nation should be the primary determining factor in the fiscal compensation of every elected lawmaker or politician. There should be no possibility of introducing legislation or rules or laws that act contradictory to this. If these metrics are not met in the applicable locale, the law maker in question should be ineligible for re-election or further appointments.


Isn’t that how companies assess an employee’s worth and salary?

I like this idea.

The down side is the rich could still jack the country, profit from lobbyists and not care about their salary or the country.


We need to remove lobbyist and have an annual vote by all citizens as to what foreign aid is granted. Single issue bills, and term limits for house and senate.

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As well as being any elected official bans you and your family from participating in the stock market.


Just have politicians make the annual median income of their constituents. Making them wanting to increase the meadian income for the people they represent.


This is the objective. If they do a great job for our country the should be rewarded. If they tear our country down by any metric, they should never be eligible for any office or position of power.


How about they get paid the minimum wage of the state they represent then they would really work for the people.


They also should not be allowed to write books, do paid speaking engagements or make make any other monies off thier position until thier term is completed. How is anyone working for we the people if they’re writing memoirs


I like this idea. I would like to see them make minimum wage. They expect Americans to live on the minimum. Why can’t they?


Minimum wage of their constituents then you truly would have someone working for the people