Hearing from some women about abortion there are underlying issues and reasons other than medically and rape. I strongly agree that if there is a life at stake then abortion must be legal to prevent death of the child and the mother. I also believe that in this country our proudest accomplishment is Freedom and that is freedom to choose what to do with your body as a woman.
I would propose that in the case of a medical abortion it should be absolutely emergency only to be a free procedure.
In the case of Rape or incest there should be a convention of the rapist and justice should be served in order for the abortion to be free of cost.
In the case of a choice to abort then it should not be made free there must be money involved especially since we put a price on organ donations, why can’t we put a price depending on the developmental stage the growing child is in. I think that money raised by choice abortions should go towards the reasons why some women decide to abort. In the case a woman doesn’t trust the government to care for a child they don’t want then we can take the funding to fix the orphanages and adoption system. In the case that women don’t want to ruin their body’s lets fund the scientists trying to create artificial wombs and mass produce them to hospitals around the nation. We can also rule that all contraceptives should be free of charge to prevent pregnancy if it is unwanted.
An outright abortion ban will just further divide the nation and will never solve issues. Listen to women, care for women, and find a way to create a solution that is bipartisan.
I have looked at nature to understand abortion issues better. Pregnant animals will abort with herbs or other ways when the pregnancy is not viable for varied reasons. Health, not enough food, or a male around that would kill the babies.
If we compare this to human mammals – we are mammals. Poverty is a real thing, and if the woman is unable to feed and support the baby properly. Also, domestic abuse or a miserable, scary situation is a real problem for many women and unsafe bother for her and the baby. The emotional and physical health of the woman is also a real factor.
Also, history has shown that early abortion - before the “quickening” has been the standard for both human women and animals in nature. This is about 3 to maybe 4 months.
More education and support are needed for both men and women. We are all responsible for a healthy and happy baby and a healthy and happy mother.
Prenatal care is critical and should be supportive for the mother. Adoption can be a very happy solution. There are many people with fertility issues these days, and making the adoption process safe and healthy with support is humane.
Teaching society -both male and female-the extreme value of woman and their ability to get pregnant and give birth is a vital treasure for all of us. There are often big die-outs of people- especially young men in war, and we need women to give birth to new generations.
Our current society appears to devalue children and a woman’s ability to be pregnant and give birth, and also devalue the importance of both men and women to form and successfully grow a family.
There is a place for abortion, but we need to value women and their ability and responsibility to birth the next generation. We need also to value babies and children more.