Patient advocates

Have patient advocates across the country that truly advocate for the patient. They are funded by the government for the voice of the people.
As a nurse, I’m retired now…I saw doctors do things to patients that were wrong. We need advocates.
I would be happy to head up a program such as this. This would be a program where the hospital and doctors cannot have persuasion over what is the best option for a patient. Where is the patient is given ALL options, ALL data related to a particular procedure.

I have personally witnessed a doctor harm a patient to the point that the patient has no capacity to care for himself because a doctor didn’t follow procedures. There has been no accountability for this doctor’s mistake.

I’ve witnessed nurses that were taking their patient’s drugs and they too had no accountability.

I’ve witnessed nurses who have harmed patients…again no accountability.

I have witnessed discrimination towards myself and others who stood up to the abuse. I personally let several nursing friends because of my standing for Trump.

The rot is palpable.
I, myself am not in good standing with the nursing board. I know that some of the radon for this is because of what I have stood up for,