Pass (eliminate IRS)

Here are some key attributes of the FAIRtax which is a system that allows you to keep your whole paycheck and only pay taxes on what you spend.

  • National Sales Tax: Replaces federal income and payroll taxes with a single national sales tax on new goods and services¹.
  • Prebate System: Provides a monthly prebate to all legal residents to cover taxes on essential goods and services up to the poverty level¹.
  • Eliminates the IRS: Abolishes the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and simplifies the tax system².
  • Fairness and Transparency: Aims to create a fairer and more transparent tax system by taxing consumption rather than income¹.
  • Economic Growth: Designed to promote economic growth by allowing individuals to keep their entire paycheck and only pay taxes on what they spend¹.
  • Social Security and Medicare: Ensures funding for Social Security and Medicare through the consumption tax rather than payroll taxes¹.

The FairTax is a national sales tax that treats every person equally and allows American businesses to thrive, while generating the same tax revenue as the current four-million-word-plus tax code.

Under the FairTax, every person living in the United States pays a sales tax on purchases of new goods and services, excluding necessities due to the prebate.

The FairTax rate after necessities is 23% compared to combining the 15% income tax bracket with the 7.65% of employee payroll taxes under the current system – both of which will be eliminated!

Important to note: the FairTax is the only tax plan currently being proposed that includes the removal of the payroll tax.

(1) How FAIRtax Works | FAIRtax |
(2) Welcome | FAIRtax |
(3) About Americans For Fair Taxation | FAIRtax | About Americans For Fair Taxation | FAIRtax |




This is really interesting, thank you for sharing! I’m going to study up on it.

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I am all in favor of this FairTax proposal. People have been living in poverty for too long because corrupt government has stolen 90% of their hard earned income through fake and forced tax laws.

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Those of us in GA have been talking about this for a decade! Please get rid of the IRS! Trump is already starting on this with no tax on tips, overtime ETC! I heard about this from Neal Boortz when he still had a show. Herman Cain was going to propel this when he ran for President. But he didn’t make. RIP to a great man. This would have ushered in so much revenue.