Parental Rights With Childhood Cancer

Once your child is diagnosed with cancer, you have minimal rights as parents. It would be deemed “Medical Neglect” to go against medical advice although your child’s health is declining at the hands of the medical establishment. The reality of your child being taken away through CPS is high, if you disagree with medical professionals. Once chemo starts, the hospital you’re at “has” to continue treatment.

MEDICAL KIDNAPPING - A physically ill individual shall not be held against their will (or that of their parent or guardian) in a hospital or residential care facility and shall not be prevented from changing their healthcare provider or facility.

I would like this to be added to the Ammendement Right to Try
I would also like to add, CPS shall not get involved if parent wishes to stop or not start treatment of traditional chemo practices.

These are also a few resolutions in Texas.
Parental Consent: We insist on informed parental consent for all medical care, counseling, etc., for all minors.

Medical Freedom: We call for an addition to the Texas Bill of Rights that explicitly states that Texans have the natural, inalienable right to refuse vaccination or other medical treatment. Therefore, the following are expressly forbidden even in an emergency or in a pandemic: a. Since informed consent is a basic human right, any attempt to mandate, force, or coerce any medical test, procedure, or product, including vaccines, masks, or chemo/radiation. b. Our personal healthcare decisions are private; any attempt to use a citizen’s perceived health, infection recovery, or vaccination status as a condition to maintain or obtain housing or employment or employee benefits, attend school or childcare, or access state services. c. Any school, public or private, or any health care provider, (doctor/nurse practitioners, agency, public or private) withholding from a parent or legal guardian information that is relevant to the physical or mental health of the minor, to include information related to a minor’s perception that his or her gender or sex Is inconsistent with his or her biological sex. d. Any mandates by public, private, government, or medical entities for treatment, vaccination, vaccine passports, mask requirements, health insurance surcharges, or use of controlled substances of any kind. e. Any involuntary isolation or quarantine of anyone not experiencing an active contagious infection. f. Any withholding of the risks and benefits of a proposed intervention, including quantifiable adverse effects, that must be equally communicated and accessible to the patient or to a minor patient’s parents or guardian. g. Any prevention of visitation to the ill when risks are acknowledged and mitigated according to patient and visitor choice. h. Any Nuremberg Code violations—including but not limited to the requirement that use of experimental use medications must provide full knowledgeable consent and be free from any form of coercion or inducement. i. Any tracing of individuals by cell phones or another means for any reason without an individual court issued warrant. We ask that the Contact Tracing Program, Workforce and Center Programs agreement be rescinded. j. Any requirement that a nurse practitioner can only provide healthcare to Texans under a delegation agreement with a physician in the State of Texas. k. Any holding of an individual against their will (or that of their parent or guardian) in a hospital or residential care facility, or preventing an individual from changing their healthcare provider. L) Parent/Guardian to receive hospice care for terminal children/minors without coercion.


I agree and would take this one step further to advocate for parent rights to medical choice for ALL medical conditions. Families know their children better than anybody else and have their long term best interest at heart. Parents should maintain the right to medical decision-making even if the decisions are in conflict with current guidance or “best practice”. Current guidance is often found to be wrong or harmful, and families should maintain their parental rights in addressing any medical needs for their children.


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