If a corporation or agency is found to be withholding or subjugating an invention, idea, information, discovery or anything of the like that could or would be beneficial to world and/or humanity as a whole; said benefit should become government domain and open sourced to people. The entity involved in it’s subjugation should be convicted with Crimes Against Humanity.
The idea that corporations and/or agencies prevent technological and/or societal progression and the well being of the majority in the name of maintaining dominance in a field, profits, greed or anything of the like, with use of patent laws, intimidation, defunding or any other means, is unacceptable. To know a thing could solve a problem, and not to pursue it’s distribution is diabolical.
Exceptions for inventions, ideas, information, or discoveries that have a high probability to lead to malicious use, could and should be acknowledged and addressed accordingly through thorough discussion, and debate.