Only support country’s that love the USA

Policy Objective:
To ensure that U.S. financial assistance aligns with national interests by restricting aid to countries that exhibit hostile or anti-American actions, rhetoric, or policies.

Policy Statement:
The United States will withhold direct financial aid, loans, and other forms of economic assistance from any nation that actively engages in hostile actions or rhetoric against the United States, or whose government expresses a consistent stance of anti-American sentiment. This policy is aimed at safeguarding U.S. resources and prioritizing aid for countries that share or respect American values and interests.

Criteria for Financial Assistance Eligibility

1.	Diplomatic Relations: The United States will assess the diplomatic stance of each recipient country. Nations that sever formal ties, engage in repeated public condemnation of the U.S., or refuse to cooperate on international issues affecting U.S. interests will not be eligible for financial aid.
2.	Actions and Alliances: Countries that actively participate in alliances or agreements explicitly aimed at countering U.S. interests, or support groups identified as threats to American security or global stability, will not receive financial assistance.
3.	Human Rights and Democratic Values: Aid will be contingent on a country’s commitment to upholding basic human rights, democratic principles, and international norms. Nations with documented human rights abuses or that suppress democratic freedoms, especially when targeted at American interests or citizens, will be ineligible for aid.
4.	Periodic Reviews: Financial assistance eligibility will be reviewed on an annual basis by the Department of State and Department of Defense. Countries that show improvement in diplomatic relations and commitment to cooperative engagement with the U.S. may be reconsidered for aid.

Implementation and Oversight

•	Department of State will maintain a list of countries ineligible for U.S. aid based on this policy. The list will be updated annually or as needed in response to significant changes in diplomatic relations.
•	Exemptions: Humanitarian aid may still be provided in times of crisis to prevent widespread suffering, regardless of diplomatic relations, but it will be channeled through international organizations or NGOs rather than direct government assistance.

This policy ensures U.S. taxpayer funds support nations that respect and cooperate with the United States, promoting a focused and strategic approach to foreign assistance.