Create a completely unhackable yet transparent website that voters go to on Election Day to submit their ballots.
Modern programming standards have made it so that it would take months to hack a website. The servers and database connections only need be write-active for 24 hours. So using the same encryption and security protocols as banks do creating a system for our elections it is not only possible, but irresponsible not to.
The code used can be stored in a read-only repository so that the methods used are completely transparent and audits can be made as required. Voters would also be able to check their own elections to verify that there is no impropriety.
This process would eliminate any chance of future elections being rigged at the voting process and allow for voting from anywhere with an internet connection. Public libraries would be tasked to assist voters and provide access to the internet.
Please contact me for more information. I am a software developer with a background in banking and would be happy to design and build this essential software.
“Completely unhackable” is just impossible, this opens up nothing but promise of voter fraud. If you can’t make the effort to go in person or have a mail in sent to you, don’t vote. I’m sure you have good intentions but something like that is just not something you want to put trust in.
False. The time that it would take to hack a server would surpass the amount the time that the server would be up by no less than 3 months. Do you always go to the bank to perform every transaction? No?!? Then you are a hypocrite. I build these systems for a living. Unless you’re a data scientist please stick to your lane.
If random teenagers are hacking/ leaking government and nasa info for fun you don’t think people are gonna wanna interfere with an election of the free world? Like someone else on here said this is all wishful thinking
Also! Considering the government didn’t even care enough to put our ssn in a safe place I think I am in my own lane, especially considering you put this here for people to share their opinions on and to vote/ downvote on.
We’ve put our trust in the government for all these years and the happenings of the last decades have been nothing but an illustration that they can’t be trusted with much of anything as far as I can see.
Paper ballots, counted on site on the day of the election, under surveillance and in person monitoring, preferably by a notary, if that’s possible. That’s the only hope for minimizing fraud that I can see, sorry John.
Though if you build systems like this, you could always give it a go. If you can build something truly unhackable you could sell it to the government for a lot of money and be doing people a favor. You could always prove us wrong, never know.