Offer greater Choice in Healing Modality - Holistic & Allopathic. It’s our bodies, it should be our choice.
Consider more apprentice style education, and again open the doors to Eastern medicine, or holistic - whether old or new. Many cancer or other chronic disease inventions have been buried or stolen, these should be investigated.
A degree in medicine should NOT require 8+ years, 2 years of apprentice is (vastly) greater than 4 reading books.
One of the best ways to monitor anyone in the healing profession is to set up a nationwide rating system for anyone in the healing industry… require it. I’d prefer to see how a Dr. is rated, over an almost worthless degree hanging on the wall.
A true healer is NOT someone with a degree, it’s someone who is both intuitive and has a love for healing / helping others. In modern medicine most doctors have the love for money & status. These people are NOT healers, they’re social ladder climbers.
Education and it’s ties to big pharma have added a rotten stink to the entire medical system. Ban big pharma money in the education system and ban big pharma in msm.
MSM is a policy on it’s own, those who push agendas in msm have been getting away with murder in this country. Personal accountability is vital within corporate businesses, & penalties should increase as rank & pay increase.